戰鷹:紅男爵 Warbirds Red Baron 英文正式版(DVD版)

商品名稱: 戰鷹:紅男爵 Warbirds Red Baron

商品分類: DVD電腦遊戲

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-11-05

熱門標籤: 紅男爵 戰鷹 Baron Red Warbirds 


Thriller New Media宣佈定於本年6月推出空戰模擬新作《戰鷹:紅男爵》(WarBirds:
Red Baron),玩家可駕駛12種差距的高真實度戰機如「駱駝」和福克3翼機,在1戰

In WarBirds: Red Baron, players will be able to launch in one
of over 12 different, accurately modeled World War I aircraft!
Sopwith Camel versus a Fokker DR VII is an example of the fun
and challenging air battles that players can choose to test
their flying skills!

With its Dynamic Game engine, no two air battles will ever be
the same in WarBirds: Red Baron. In each air battle, the
player can score points, build rank, and acquire medals to
compete for the opportunity to battle the great Red Baron.

WarBirds: Red Baron adds exciting World War I flying action
with Sopwith Camel, Fokker Triplane, and Zeppelin Airship
combat with lots of game variations from flying fighters or
bombers, gunnery missions, and a final, intense one versus one
combat, against the famous Red Baron!


紅男爵 RED BARON 英文正式版

紅色男爵 Red Baron Arcade 英文正式版

光榮之翼 紅爵士 Wings of Honour Battles of The Red Baron 英文正式版

紅色防范 3:起義時刻 RED ALERT 3 UPRISING 繁體中文正式版(DVD9版)(此片售價250元)

紅色门户 3:游擊戰 Red Faction Guerrilla 英文正式版(ACT 動作遊戲軟體)(DVD9版)(此片售價250元)

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